Lunch & Learn with PERAC – Quincy Retirement Board Cybertheft
We are excited to announce our upcoming event as part of Lunch & Learn Series – Quincy, Mass. Retirement Board Cybertheft on December 15th. Aksia’s Lunch and Learn sessions are live, educational webinars. By inviting professionals from different backgrounds to present on topics ranging from market structure and strategy to the psychology and behavior influencing the economic landscape, we hope to gain exposure and knowledge beyond what we learn through our day-to-day activities
A bad actor gained access to a Quincy Retirement Board email account. From there, a confluence of events involving the board, an investment manager, the investment consultant, and the custodial bank, combined with previous underlying Quincy management and operational issues, resulted in the fraudulent redemption and transfer of $3.5 million in Quincy retirement assets to an unknown overseas account. Join us for a conversation with John Parsons and Bill Keefe of the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC), which regulates the Massachusetts public retirement system, who will discuss their agency’s investigative report on the matter.
If you are an LP with interest in attending, please complete this form by Wednesday, December 14th.